I'm Mark from EndCaptcha.com. We are a premium CAPTCHA service that offers a SLA of 9-seconds-or-less solving time, plus high accuracy and NO OVERLOADS!
You can connect our service with any software/script compatible with Death By Captcha/De-Captcher using our hosts-file changing tool (easy as 1-2-3). Today we're giving out more than US$ 500 in EndCaptcha credits. 15K free CAPTCHA packages for the first 10 users to reply on this thread.
Please note that you need an account at...
EndCaptcha.com 10 x 15K Giveaway!
I'm Mark from EndCaptcha.com. We are a premium CAPTCHA service that offers a SLA of 9-seconds-or-less solving time, plus high accuracy and NO OVERLOADS!
You can connect our service with any software/script compatible with Death By Captcha/De-Captcher using our hosts-file changing tool (easy as 1-2-3). Today we're giving out more than US$ 500 in EndCaptcha credits. 15K free CAPTCHA packages for the first 10 users to reply on this thread.
Please note that you need an account at...
EndCaptcha.com 10 x 15K Giveaway!